MOVMENT by Isometric Pilates Studio
Movment is a powerful force that connects us to our surroundings and to each other. It is through Movment that we are able to express our emotions, our thoughts, and our desires. Movment allows us to communicate without words, to tell stories with our bodies, and to connect with others on a level that words cannot always reach.

why “Movment” ?
“Movment is not just a physical activity; it is a way of life.”
It is a way of expressing ourselves, connecting with others, and experiencing the world around us. As we mature, our movements become more refined and precise, but they should never lose that sense of wonder and curiosity. So the next time you move, whether it’s a simple stretch, remember that you are expressing the beauty of life through your movement.
Meet Movment Instructor
Say hello to your potential Movment Instructor, each a professional and expertise on their own field.
Our Recent Writings
If you're ready to do some Movment with us, here you have several options

If you have any questions regarding our studio and sessions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Movment by Isometric
Sentul City
Plaza Amsterdam A No.50, Sentul Selatan, Kec. Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810
Whatsapp: +62-838-2350-5050
Instagram: @movmentbyisometric